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THE MOLITOR (themolitor)
- Member Since
- December 26, 2008 (16 years)
User Activity
Recent Replies
- Header and footer border lines colour
- Customization of certain pages
- Logo, tagline & Home Info not displaying correctly
- can't show image on the top of the post
- Homepage Layout
- GoogleMaps -> OpenStreetMap
- Audio Auto Play not working anymore with current WordPress
- change background in VYSUAL HTML
- Change Logo Width for different screen resolutions
- Category markers
- Eventure Sliders
- Gallery Not Working
- Remove "posted by" on posts
- Changes to Theme Customization Not Working
- FAQ - Issues with a plugin that uses AJAX
- Responsive styling lost
- Can't find a page?
- If you keep refreshing and the pins displayed number change
- Issue with ssl
- Header Image Keeps Resizing when uploaded
- a few minor issues, most probably easy fix with child theme
- Update Files Location?
- Menu Subpages Map Display
- Slight glitchy scroll behaviour on Chrome (mobile, Android)
- Erros after downloading demo
- autoplay video
- Remove the tab „Meta“ from post
- Remove images from the gallery
- Strange Behavior with the Nivo Slider
- Missing Site Title on Home page?
Topics Started
- FAQ - Make images not zoomed in by default
- FAQ - Remove dot pattern at top of page
- FAQ: Why is the home page layout messed up?
- Show off your site using Nocturnal
- FAQ - Remove "+" button next to menu
- UPDATE - v.2.2.1 for Chameleon
- FAQ - Show widgets at all times on post page
- Super basic light theme skin CSS for Eventure
- UPDATE - v.1.4+ for Nocturnal (WP version)
- Show off your site using The Daily Press
- UPDATE - v1.2+ for The Producer
- UPDATE - v1.3.1 for WP Zoom (Chrome Fix)
- Feature Requests for The Kitchen Table
- FAQ - Keep logo/menu visible at all times (fixed)
- UPDATE - v2.1.0+ for The Navigator
- UPDATE - v.2.2.0 for Chameleon (Theme Customizer Support)
- FAQ - RSVP and Payment plugins
- Feature Requests for Aid
- UPDATE - v.2.0+ for The Navigator
- UPDATE - v2.0+ for The Daily Press - now RESPONSIVE!
- UPDATE - v.1.1+ for The Kitchen Table
- UPDATE - v.1.4.1 for Eventure
- UPDATE - v.1.4.2 for Eventure
- UPDATE - v1.4.1 for PhotoPharm
- UPDATE - v.1.4.1 for The Daily Press
- Feature Requests for Le Maitre d'
- UPDATE - v.1.4.3 for The Curator
- FAQ - Video and Images in Same Post
- Show off your site using Le Maitre d'
- UPDATE - v.1.4.1 for WP Politico