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THE MOLITOR (themolitor)
- Member Since
- December 26, 2008 (16 years)
User Activity
Recent Replies
- Loading icon for server self content videos
- Videos not centered and showreel is acting weird
- Change Slider Time
- Map Tools Obscured by header/footer...
- Header Slider not functioning
- Multiple Video pages with specific videos on each page
- 2 small issues with the Lightbox
- Add image title to zoombox
- Customizing Gallery Captions
- Play Button Bug
- Adsense option doesn't show
- I cant download
- Me again and again and again
- Text Widgets
- Pins on map dissapear after refreshing
- Plugin not working with visual because of console error
- Issue with #sidebar color on mobile phone
- Video not playing on homescreen
- Music
- overflow
- front page bg image not showing up and also...
- Can't install demo content
- New Images Do Not Appear in the Header Slide Show
- Blog post in full width
- Short Code pour Galerie
- Post page all black
- Geolocation and short text
- Film Trailer
- Post Slideshow
- Slider images doesn't work for responsive
Topics Started
- UPDATE - v.1.6.0 for WP Navigator (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.4.0 for The Curator
- UPDATE - v 5.0.0 for WP University (built-in OptionTree)
- FAQ - Images appear below post text
- UPDATE - v.1.4.0 for WP Aid (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.3.0 for The Curator (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.3.0 for Eventure (Theme Customizer Support)
- WP Theme Customizer Support
- UPDATE - v.1.6.0 for Wave (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.1.1 for The Producer
- UPDATE - v.1.1.0 for Le Maitre 'd (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.1.0 for The Producer (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.3.0 for Daily Press (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.4.0 for WP Nocturnal (Theme Customizer Support)
- UPDATE - v.1.5.2 for The Navigator
- FAQ - Credit Card icon typo
- UPDATE - v.1.3.0 for The Novelist (adds localization)
- FAQ - Contact From 7 Email Field Fix
- FAQ - Expire Past Events
- FAQ - Why is there a pattern on top of my background image?
- UPDATE - v1.2.4 of The Daily Press
- UPDATE - v 1.2.0 for Eventure
- UPDATE - v 1.2.1 for The Novelist
- UPDATE - v.1.4.0 for The Navigator (built-in OptionTree)
- UPDATE - v 1.0.4 for Producer
- UPDATE - v4.0 of University now available for download!
- UPDATE - v 5.2.0 for University (adds Localization)
- UPDATE - v 1.3.0 for PhotoPharm (adds Localization)
- UPDATE - v.1.2.0 for The Daily Press (built-in OptionTree)
- UPDATE - v 1.2.3 for The Daily Press (adds Localization)