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Introduction to Sociology

The Ninth Edition has been reorganized to include only what students need to master the sociological concepts taught in the introductory course. The newly streamlined text highlights the links between macro and micro sociology and includes coverage of the best recent research.


With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology awakens students’ curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This brief version draws readers into an ongoing dialogue about psychology, allowing them to fully grasp the subject. The author establishes clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning outcomes.


Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies

Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies provides practical applications and accessible explanations to dispel common misconceptions about nutrition and empower readers to make lasting behavior changes. Do pregnant women really crave pickles and ice cream? Are carbohydrates good or bad? These and many more topics are explored in Nutrition: Concepts and .

Funded by Grandpa Sanford

Introduction to Statistics

This course provides an algebra-based interdisciplinary introduction to the core concepts of statistics and probability. Primary focus will be on- but not limited to-business and social science applications. Learners will be introduced to various forms of descriptive statistics. Learners will also gain understanding of the basic tools of statistical inference and analysis while examining data, experiments and readings in their field of study. Emphasis is on interpretation over calculation, and needed technology will be taught along with the subject matter.

Textcerpts: Mastering College Textbook Reading

Textcerpts is a supplementary developmental reading text intended to facilitate the acquisition of textbook reading skills through the use of real textbook chapters. With twenty short excerpts and eight complete chapters representing eight different college disciplines, this unique text provides a solid orientation to the college disciplines, making it indispensable to instructors and students looking to bridge textbook reading skills to actual class content.

Funded by Mike Malone, Grant Smith, Dan Winters, Steve Summers

Steps to Writing Well

Reliable and straightforward, this text has helped thousands of students learn to write well. Jean Wyrick’s rhetorically organized STEPS TO WRITING WELL WITH ADDITIONAL READINGS is known for its student-friendly tone and the clear way it presents the basics of essay writing in an easy-to-follow progression of useful lessons and activities. Through straightforward advice and thoughtful assignments, the text gives students the practice they need to approach writing well-constructed essays with confidence.

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Introduction to Sociology

The Ninth Edition has been reorganized to include only what students need to master the sociological concepts taught in the introductory course. The newly streamlined text highlights the links between macro and micro sociology and includes coverage of the best recent research.


With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology awakens students’ curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This brief version draws readers into an ongoing dialogue about psychology, allowing them to fully grasp the subject. The author establishes clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning outcomes.


Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies

Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies provides practical applications and accessible explanations to dispel common misconceptions about nutrition and empower readers to make lasting behavior changes. Do pregnant women really crave pickles and ice cream? Are carbohydrates good or bad? These and many more topics are explored in Nutrition: Concepts and .

Funded by Grandpa Sanford

Textcerpts: Mastering College Textbook Reading

Textcerpts is a supplementary developmental reading text intended to facilitate the acquisition of textbook reading skills through the use of real textbook chapters. With twenty short excerpts and eight complete chapters representing eight different college disciplines, this unique text provides a solid orientation to the college disciplines, making it indispensable to instructors and students looking to bridge textbook reading skills to actual class content.

Funded by Mike Malone, Grant Smith, Dan Winters, Steve Summers

Steps to Writing Well

Reliable and straightforward, this text has helped thousands of students learn to write well. Jean Wyrick’s rhetorically organized STEPS TO WRITING WELL WITH ADDITIONAL READINGS is known for its student-friendly tone and the clear way it presents the basics of essay writing in an easy-to-follow progression of useful lessons and activities. Through straightforward advice and thoughtful assignments, the text gives students the practice they need to approach writing well-constructed essays with confidence.


College Algebra

This market-leading text continues to provide students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts. Designed for a one-term course that prepares students for further study in mathematics, the new Eighth Edition retains the features that have always made College Algebra a complete solution for both students and instructors: interesting applications, pedagogically effective design, and innovative technology combined with an abundance of carefully developed examples and exercises.


Introduction to Chemistry

From consumer products to space age technologies, chemistry affects our daily lives. In this course, students will learn the structure of matter and how it behaves under various conditions in order to better understand the chemical world. Designed for students with little or no chemistry background, this course can stand alone or be followed by CHEM&131; not intended for students continuing to CHEM&161. Laboratory activities extend lecture concepts and introduce the student to the experimental process.


This is an introductory course in principles of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics studies aggregate economic phenomena such as inflation, economic growth and recession, and unemployment, and addresses issues related to economic growth and the role of government policies in maintaining a healthy, prosperous economy. The goal of the course is to enable students to think about aggregate economic issues in an insightful manner, and to critically evaluate the economic information and analysis provided in popular news publications.


This course examines the market system and the role of government in the economy. Students learn to analyze resource and income distribution, assess consumer and business behavior, and evaluate price determination and production cost. Students will also be able to identify the economic and socio-political forces that impact consumer demand, business production, and exchange within both domestic and international markets.

Survey of the Kingdoms

Students will gain an understanding of the vast diversity of living things and their adaptations to their environment from an evolutionary perspective. They will examine the ecological relationships among all life on the planet.

General Physics

This course is the first in a three quarter sequence designed for liberal arts and other majors that do not require calculus-based physics. Students will learn and apply the laws that govern motion, explore the relationship between work and energy, and examine momentum. Laboratory activities extend lecture concepts and introduce the student to the experimental process.

Introduction to Astronomy

In this course, students will study the physical characteristics of celestial bodies from our closest neighbor, the moon, to the most distant galaxies. Students will be able to explain how past astronomers investigated the universe and the theories they developed to explain their observations. Students will familiarize themselves with recent observations and discover the foundations for modern astronomical theories. Astronomical observations will be applied through activities, laboratories, and simulations.

Spring Break in Chicago

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Funding for Astronomy 101 is completed!

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4.0 GPA! Time for a Break

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Funding has begun!

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Quick Update From the Lift

Just wanted to post a quick update while I’m waiting to hit the slopes! Winter break is just about over and I’m really looking forward to getting back to class. I’m also very encouraged and…

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Hello world!

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Mia Sanford

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